Neighborhood Nerds Update


Posted by Leonard Knight | Posted in Neighborhood Nerds | Posted on 21-02-2015

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gizmo_cmyk_flippedG’day mate! Well, It’s been a wild few years! I started Neighborhood Nerds with a dream of helping people use their technology to improve their lives. It was slow going at first since the model was foreign and very different from any other Technology companies out there. We are a very different animal…hence, Gizmo (our platypus mascot). We aren’t like other IT companies. Other IT companies use a “break/fix” model. Your stuff breaks and they get paid to come fix it. We use a membership model which allows us to make sure your technology is ALWAYS working for you and you’re always HAPPY!

In just three short years, we have grown to 300+ clients (both home and business) and six Nerds (Linda, Leo, Mark, Tommy, Tyler, and Joshua) in our Sequoyah Hills office. Also, we turned a profit in 2014! 2015 is going to be a great year!

Our plans are to continue growing the Sequoyah Hills family of clients and open additional shops around Knoxville. The next shop will be in West Knoxville near Gettysvue, Whittington Creek, Montgomery Cove, Jefferson Park, or Turkey Creek since we have many Neighbors in these neighborhoods already. Now, more than anything we need Nerds…but…good platypuses are hard to come by. If you know any young, energetic, renaissance type entrepreneurs, please send them our way. We are now hiring our future shop owners. We plan to have 9-10 shops in Knoxville with each serving around 1000 clients (home and business).

Traits of a Platypus… Platypuses are patient, Platypuses are kind. Platypuses do not envy, Platypuses do not boast, Platypuses are not proud. Platypuses do not dishonor others, Platypuses are not self-seeking, Platypuses are not easily angered, Platypuses keep no record of wrongs. Platypuses do not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth. Platypuses always protect, always trust, always hope, always persevere.
Platypuses are renaissance people… outstandingly versatile and well-rounded. The expression alludes to such Renaissance figures as Leonardo da Vinci, who performed brilliantly in many different fields. Platypuses have a passion for technology and experience utilizing it in a variety of situations and circumstances to accomplish real-world goals and objectives.

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