Comparing Apples to Electric Apples: Ford F-150 Lightning vs. Rivian R1T


Posted by Leonard Knight | Posted in Electric Vehicles (EV) | Posted on 28-10-2023

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Comparing Apples to Electric Apples: Ford F-150 Lightning vs. Rivian R1T

Comparing Apples to Electric Apples: Ford F-150 Lightning vs. Rivian R1T

Hey folks! If you’re on the hunt for an electric truck, you’re in luck. We’re diving deep into two of the most talked-about options: the Ford F-150 Lightning and the Rivian R1T. Let’s get right into it.

Power Supply Capabilities

Let’s start with a show-stopper. The Ford F-150 Lightning comes equipped with Ford Intelligent Backup Power. Picture this: a power outage hits and—voila!—your truck starts powering your home. How cool is that? This feature activates when the truck is hooked up to its 80-amp Ford Charge Station Pro. That’s not just a truck; it’s a backup generator!

What’s more, during an outage, the truck’s 19.2 kW home charging station transforms into a 9.6 kW power source for your home. And, oh, did I mention it has 110V outlets for your appliances and tools? It’s like your home away from home, right there in your driveway.

Let’s See How They Stack Up

Parameter Ford Lightning EV Rivian R1T
Size Bigger truck with a larger bed and frunk Shorter wheelbase and length
Power Output Higher power output
Acceleration Faster acceleration
Charging Lower DC fast charging rate Higher DC fast charging rate
Onboard Charger Lower onboard charger
Storage More existing accessories for the bed Gear tunnel and other clever storage spaces
Payload Capacity Higher payload capacity
Towing Capacity Similar to Rivian R1T Similar to Ford Lightning EV
Drive All-wheel drive with two permanent magnet electric motors (one per axle) All-wheel drive with four asynchronous motors (one per wheel)
Driving Range (miles) 230-320 230-400
Power Supply Capabilities Can power home during outages, has 110V outlets for tools and appliances, 9.6 kW power source during outages

The Ford Lightning’s power supply capabilities offer a whole new level of convenience. Whether it’s a power outage or a weekend DIY project, this truck’s got your back.

If you’ve got more questions or are curious about other vehicles, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. Happy truck hunting!

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