A Surprising Encounter on the Greenway


Posted by Leonard Knight | Posted in Outdoors | Posted on 02-07-2024

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A few months ago, during a visit to Nashville, my family and I were busy helping Thomas and Joseph move out of their dorm rooms at Vanderbilt University. To take a break from the hectic day, I decided to take Buddy, my loyal black lab, for a hike on one of the trails near the West End, close to the Nations.

The trail led us to a beautiful greenway with a picturesque stream running alongside it, filled with trout. It was a serene and tranquil spot, perfect for an afternoon hike. As we walked, we came across a group of four deer grazing in the field. One of them, a majestic buck with antlers, caught Buddy’s attention.

Used to deer that would dart away at his approach back home, Buddy charged at them, barking enthusiastically. But to his surprise, these deer did not run. They stood their ground, looking curiously at the excited dog racing toward them. Buddy, realizing something was different, slammed on his brakes and slid to a halt right in front of them.

The deer, unfazed, bent their heads down to get a closer look at Buddy, as if wondering what this little dog was all about. Buddy circled them, bouncing on his front legs, trying to provoke them into running. One deer seemed to understand his playful intentions and started to bounce around the outskirts of the field. Buddy chased it in a loop, but when the deer stopped, Buddy did too. They shared a brief, curious standoff before Buddy, puzzled by their lack of fear, slowly made his way back to me, casting bewildered glances over his shoulder.

It was a delightful and unexpected moment that highlighted the playful spirit of Buddy and the calm curiosity of the deer. This charming encounter added a touch of magic to our hike that day.

The hike


Posted by Leonard Knight | Posted in Outdoors | Posted on 18-11-2023


In the heart of the Smokies, under skies so grand,
Leonard and Chris set out, a map in hand.
With boots laced up, and spirits so bright,
Off they went, to the mountains’ great height.

Through the woods they strolled, with jokes and fun banter,
Avoiding fried chicken — in bear country, that’s the answer.
For bears might love it, more than we know,
Best to leave it at home, and let nature’s beauty show.

On a path where the wildflowers sweetly bloom,
They laughed, imagining a bear with a chicken leg zoom.
But with respect and care, they trekked on their way,
Admiring the forest, where the gentle creatures play.

Around a bend, in a clearing so wide,
A bear in the distance, they spotted with pride.
From afar they admired, with a thrill in their heart,
Nature’s majesty, in which they were a part.

So remember, when hiking where the wild bears roam,
Leave the snacks at home, and let the bears alone.
With Leonard and Chris, adventure never ends,
In the Smoky Mountains, where the wild path bends.

Weekly visit with Mom


Posted by Leonard Knight | Posted in Outdoors | Posted on 27-10-2022

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This week we were joined by Christine (Aunt Chris). We had a great visit, hike, lunch and a beautiful drive in East Tennessee.

Morristown, Tennessee Visit